Friday, December 7, 2012

L2P report

Yesterday was License to play Poly vs Poly championship. my team entered under the name Ninja Master M! we went to Marina Bay Sands by cab because we could. The place was the main reason why me and my friend were interested in this event! My other team member was Card protagonist. be sure to check out his awesome youtube videos. so anyway, time to go on with the report~

It was a round robin and we had to fight all the other 4 teams.

I played angel feathers, card protagonist played spike bro and my last team mate played SDD

Match 1 vs SDD gold pala- lost
My deck suddenly forgot how to check triggers. so i lost eventually.

team score X0X

match 2 vs kagero-Win
Nurse overpowered his dragons. shamsel limits break and damage swap gave me the upperhand

team score 000

match 3 vs Galahad SSD-Win
Nurse limit break too OP. he crit me and i became 14000, making everything a 5k guard. then heal trigger came and i kept hitting for 21000

team score 0X0

match 4 vs moon deck-Win
Silent tomb is a bitch against all decks except mine cause i can use 5k shield for that. nociel will take care of hit. and with all my units hitting for 21k its hard for him.

team score 0X0

finals vs kagero-Win
He did the mistake of keeping me at 3 damage and died to my advantage. also 21k units are super good.

team score 0X0

so we won first place and got a medal for each.
Had a good experience.

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