Hi there! this post is about something that can occur in tag duels only. However, you probably will never encounter this as for this to happen, you have to be the world's luckiest bastard and your opponent has to be the world's biggest retard. So lets have fun now!
your VG: spectral duke doragon!(SDD)
your RG: 1 viviane and 4 others
step 1: attack with SDD. limit break and stand it. Do not retire viviane!
step 2: attack with viviane and call top card which is lob eat shooter. Use lob ear shooter effect to call another lob ear shooter. use lob ear shooter to call Advance of the black chains, kahedin(ABCK)
step 3: attack with SDD and limit break once more and tribute away 3 units except ABCK.
step 4: attack with SDD from a boost from ABCK and use ABCK to retire 1 unit to call White hair in the moon shadow, Pellinore!
So there you have it. Like i said before, this is never gonna happen in a duel unless you and your opponent have fulfilled the conditions i stated before~
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